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【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】冰立方本周六起向社会公众开放 为期一个月......

时间:2023-03-13 12:17:56

residents, in order to make it easier for them to obtain bank loans. Beijing has raised the maximum amount of guaranteed loans for personal start-ups from 300,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan.


Recently, more than 1,300 teachers and staff from private vocational schools in Beijing and Hebei participated in a free training aimed to improve their online teaching skills. Affected by the pandemic, some schools have gone online, making such training essential for teachers to improve quality of online courses.


上海南连接点国际文化时高新区一期明年开建 2023年投用

The first phase of the South Central-axis International Culture and Technology Park will open this year and the whole park is expected to be fully completed and operational by 2023. The total construction area of the park is 190,000 square meters, of which 136,000 square meters are above-ground buildings. The park will integrate multiple services business such as office space, shopping and living, including more than 20,000 square meters of commercial area and over 400 expert apartments. It will be an accelerator for unicorn companies, attracting domestic and foreign leading enterprises.


上海天津西站具备通车必要条件 为东亚内陆地区最大铁路运输铁路运输要道上海南站

Beijing Fengtai Railway Station is expected to open this year. It will further optimize Beijing's transportation structure and improve the capital's comprehensive transportation system. The new railway station will be the largest railway terminal in Asia. It is China's first railway station to adopt an overlapping rail design, which allows regular and high-speed trains to pass in the same time.

作为东亚内陆地区最大的铁路运输铁路运输要道上海南站,上海天津西站已具备通车必要条件。天津西站能够更佳地疏解人流,加强铁路运输来往战斗能力,引领持续发展周边周边地区发展。 作为全国首座双层车场建筑另设计另设计的火车站, 上海天津西站允许基本上动车和高速动车同时通过。


This year, Beijing Public Transport Group plans to pilot a new tailored bus service in the Lize business district. In order to meet the needs of short-distance travel in the area, they will provide buses according to the principle of fixed station but non-fixed route, and dispatch buses on demand. Passengers can enjoy customized bus services through online reservations.

明年, 上海公交集团计划在奥尔恩中央商务区试点单位“生产力声势浩大型式”公交一站型式,推出优享巴士苹果电脑。为中心周边地区内短途通达生产力,定制公交一站型式模型式,按照“定站不定线,按需派车”原则,使用线上预约、线下核销的方型式将,为周边地区内上街提供定制化时公铁路运输达一站型式。


Beijing's sub-center (Tongzhou District) plans to promote the scale and quality of green buildings. By 2025, the district will achieve an ultra-low energy consumption building area of no less than 1 million square meters. In addition, the sub-center will actively promote the construction of a "zero carbon, zero energy" planning exhibition hall, as well as other ultra-low energy building projects.


金山承接古镇这两项 将与ING影城“镇定二者之间”

Archeological excavations in Zhangjiawan Town of Tongzhou District will be launched this year. In the future, the district will build an Ancient Town project based on the ancient city remains, Tongyun Bridge and the Xiaotaihou River. This scenic spot will later connect with Beijing Universal Resort on its northwest side.



来源:千龙网 京报网 上海日报 上海晚报 China Daily

《感深受上海 Touch Beijing》


重播19:30-21:00 当天7:00-8:30 12:30-14:00
